DIScover India Studios takes a unique approach to campaigns, one that prioritizes diversity, inclusiveness, and ethical practices. For over two decades, we have worked to represent and celebrate people from all backgrounds and identities, ensuring that everyone is visible in the fashion industry.
Our campaigns feature models of different nationalities, ethnicities, and cultures, reflecting the true diversity of society. We believe that this approach not only aligns with our moral obligations, but also creates a deeper connection with audiences who can see themselves represented in our work.
We have never followed trends or what’s “cool”. We stayed true to our values and principles, striving to create campaigns that are not only visually stunning, but also meaningful and impactful. Our approach to campaigns reflects our unwavering commitment to creating a better world through creativity. We believe that by prioritizing diversity, inclusiveness, and ethical practices, we can inspire positive change and help create a more equitable and sustainable future through the world of fashion.
Featured here is our work with Derby Men, a responsible menswear brand headquartered in Chennai, India. The campaign, shot in 2018, showcased models of different ages, body types, and skin colors. It was a powerful statement about the importance of diversity and inclusiveness in the fashion industry.